100x100 Computational Design Challenge

Throughout 2020 I created 100 computational designs in 100 days as a way to learn creative coding and explore generative art

Day 17 - Blinding Blast


I had some pretty lovely missteps in getting to my sketch on Day 16 and wanted to share them throughout this week. Is that cheating? Maybe. But I’m also finding there’s real magic in how small tweaks to base code can create entirely different sketches. I think I might lean into that a bit more going forward, rather than trying to start each day from scratch. I landed on today’s sketch towards the end of my exploration. I was getting close to my initial intention but, for some reason, the dots were decreasing in size about a third of the way down, only to increase again and fill the canvas. I really like the effect it created, but makes my eyes hurt if I look too long at it! I know all three of the drawings I’ve included look super similar, but I like seeing them side by side to get a sense of the impact of applying noise, and the subtle differences each time the program is run.





x = -3;
y = 10;
let xoff = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
  xoff = xoff + .1;
  let n = noise(xoff) * 5;

  ellipse(x + n, y + n, 10 - y / 20, 10 - y / 20);
  y = y + (12 - n);

  if (y > height) {
    y = 10;
    x = x + (12 - n);

  if (x > width) {


Chelsea Watson