Day 21 - Pile of Rings
I’ve been collecting inspiration of designs and patterns to attempt recreating during this challenge. Today’s challenge is the piece below by Swiss architect and Bauhaus alumni Max Bill from his collection of lithographs: Fifteen Variations on a Single Theme, 1935-38. I tried to replicate the overlapping rings, bold colours and slight variations in position, size and radius of Max’s geometric work.
Inspired by Max Bill
Draw four rings on the canvas
Position the ring randomly, within a few pixels of the middle of the canvas
Let each ring have a different colour, radius and stroke width
function setup() { createCanvas(700, 700); background(233, 228, 222); noFill(); } function draw() { let stk = random(10, 70); let rad = random(100, 500); let colR = random(50, 150); let colG = random(50, 150); let colB = random(50, 150); let x = random(335, 365); stroke(colR, colG, colB, 200); strokeWeight(stk); ellipse(x, x, rad); if (frameCount > 3) { noLoop(); } }