100x100 Computational Design Challenge

Throughout 2020 I created 100 computational designs in 100 days as a way to learn creative coding and explore generative art

Day 25 - Bookshelves


I’ve been staring at my bookshelves in my living room “office” for the last three months straight during lockdown so thought I’d do a simple homage to my little space. My bookshelves don’t look like this (see below), but I did go through a colour organizational phase at some point. I tried to make this a bit more complex but kept coming back to just this simple version I started with. Is this a metaphor for life? PROBABLY.

I’m taking a few days off work next week to coincide with Canada Day and will be getting out of Toronto for a couple nights during that time. I plan to spend lots of time outside, and may or may not be pausing the challenge for a few days to unplug and prioritize time away from my laptop. After all it’s my challenge so I get to make the rules, right?




  • Draw three rows of tall, skinny rectangles with slightly rounded corners.

  • Make the rectangles varying heights, widths and colours, but from within a defined array of values.

  • Have the rows of rectangles sit on horizontal lines that extend just beyond where the rectangles start and end.

  • Change the background hue every time the program runs.



let bookHeight;
let bookWidth;
let bookSpace = 100;
let y = 250;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(700, 700);
  let bg = random(0, 250);
  background(bg, 10, bg);


function draw() {

  let hue = random(0, 50);
  let sat = random(0, 50);
  fill(hue, sat, 100);

  bookHeight = random(100, 130);
  bookWidth = random(10, 30);
  rect(bookSpace, y - bookHeight, bookWidth, bookHeight, 3);
  bookSpace = bookSpace + bookWidth;

  line(80, y, 620, y);

  if (bookSpace > 590) {
    bookSpace = 100;
    y = y + 160;
  if (y > 600) {


Chelsea Watson