Day 47 - Where the River Hides
This is my beautiful forever friend, Ryan (@ryanantonior). I put a call out on Instagram for anyone willing to share photos with me for my challenge this week (my camera roll is 92% cats) and Ryan was the first to volunteer his photos (below). He’s a super talented photographer and, having just spent a year in Berlin, has a wealth of stunning content to choose from. However, I chose a photo from deep in his feed, from a trip him and I took to Guatemala a few years ago, of Semuc Champey - which translates to “Where the River Hides” - and this lovely photo of his face. It was a great excuse in creating this simple little sketch to dwell on the face and reminisce on a memory of someone I hold so dear.
var img1; var img2; function preload() { img1 = loadImage('ryan-3.jpg'); img2 = loadImage('ryan-2.jpg'); } function setup() { createCanvas(700, 700); } function draw() { background(253); var tileCountX = mouseX / 20; var tileCountY = mouseY / 20; var stepX = width / tileCountX; var stepY = height / tileCountY; image(img1, 100, 0, 620, 800) for (var gridY = 0; gridY < height; gridY += stepY + mouseY) { for (var gridX = 0; gridX < width; gridX += stepX + 200) { image(img2, gridX / 2, gridY * 2, stepX, stepY); } } }