Day 55 - Bursts of Small Doses
So, here’s a fun thing I learned making today’s sketch - I don’t like drawing! I much prefer when the computer does it for me and I can decide “yep, I like that” or “nope, not a fan”. I recall a few months ago I was chatting with Adam Morse and asked him how I can create more control in my sketches and he was kind of like…”why would you want to do that?!”. Now I get it, Adam.
Finishing up with the last Ruth Asawa piece I’ll attempt to recreate with another of her Double Sheet prints. It’s also the last in my It’s OK/Small Doses series. And yes, just realizing now that Ruth’s print looks remarkably like COVID-19, how fitting! Thanks for sticking with me as I take on these weekly themes - having to choose a totally new direction for each sketch is hard! Today’s presented a few new challenges - how to radiate text around a common point, how to flip that text horizontally, how to vary the spacing of the text within the bursts, and how to get the text bursts on the screen. Phew. I started by relying on MANY user inputs and quickly realized I was being too picky and precious and tried to eliminate them where I could and let the computer do the thinking. I can pretty confidently say that, if I was using a real rubber stamp like Ruth did, I would likely never end up with a piece I like! I much prefer the digital medium.
On Click: Burst is drawn, holding longer will make it more opaque
Key 1: Lines of text are less spaced out
Key 2: Lines of text are more spaced out
Key Enter/Return: Resets canvas
Key s/S: Downloads image
lines = 10; space = 0; rot = 0; count = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(700, 700); background(237, 230, 216); textFont('futura'); textStyle(BOLD); textSize(12); } function draw() { fill(237, 0, 115, 10); if (mouseIsPressed) { for (x = 0; x < 360; x = x + (lines)) { push(); translate(mouseX, mouseY); rotate(radians(x) + rot); text("SMALL DOSES", space, 0); pop(); } } } function keyReleased() { if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) background(237, 230, 216); if (key == '1') lines = 10; if (key == '2') lines = 30; if (key == 's' || key == 'S') saveCanvas(); } function mouseReleased() { rot = random(0, 360); count = count + 1; oddOrEven = (count % 2); if (oddOrEven == 1) { space = -90; } else { space = 0; } }