Backstreet Boys 4ever Website | Chelsea Watson, UX Designer

Backstreet Boys 4ever
When I was 13, my best friend Erin and I started a Backstreet Boys fan site on Angelfire. We taught ourselves basic html, curated content, and spent many late night sleepovers in her parents’ basement building the site. We were even interviewed about it on our local radio station. No big deal. Now, through the magic of the Way Back Machine, you too can enjoy our 1998 passion project in all its glory.

User Feedback from our Guestbook
“kewl site! i just looove bsb! they rock! and whoever dont think they do well who cares what they think! bsb can sing and dance! and they r real hotties!!!!”
— BLu_EyEd_AnGeL
“your site rocks and bsb rules !!! all i wanna say is too nick.... I LOVE YOU NICK !!!!!!!!!!!!”
— nick’s baby girl

Excerpt from Our Backstreet Boys Poem
“Brian's best friend is Nick // They call themselves, Frack & Frick // The boys have appeared on shows like Muchmusic and MTV // The one who answers the most questions is usually Howie D”