Nissan USA SEO & Content Strategy | Chelsea Watson, UX Designer
View work samples from Chelsea Watson’s two years as SEO Analyst for Nissan USA. Key projects included the Nissan Competitive Advantage and the Nissan LEAF Q&A tool, providing data analysis, digital content strategy and stakeholder reports.

Nissan USA SEO & Content Strategy
For nearly two years I provided SEO and content strategy for Nissan USA. This included regular maintenance and reporting along with determining in-depth digital content strategies based on user search data and analytics. Two of the most significant of these were Nissan’s Competitive Advantage program and the Nissan LEAF Q&A tool.

Nissan LEAF Q&A
To help promote Nissan’s electric car, we launched a platform where real owners answered real questions about the LEAF. I lead the content strategy for the project, using search data to determine the most frequently asked questions about the LEAF and electric cars in general. I optimized each of the questions and mapped them to targeted keywords, better allowing Nissan to own the electric car conversation. I also assisted in designing the search UI within the experience.

Sample LEAF Q&A Search Data

Excerpts from the LEAF Q&A Search Strategy

The LEAF Q&A Experience

Nissan Competitive Advantage
While exploring search data, I recognized a significant amount of searches comparing Nissan vehicles with their competitors. So, I created a content strategy based on these findings, recommending which vehicle specific features to showcase based on what customers cared about most. This lead to the launch of “Why Nissan” pages for select vehicles, which saw Nissan search rankings increase significantly, outranking competitors for searches comparing Nissan vehicles with the competition.

Sample Findings for Nissan Sentra

Excerpt from Stakeholder Report

Competitive Advantage Content

Sample Why Nissan pages

Nissan USA
Critical Mass