Day 57 - Radar Pearls
I read a great piece of advice from Tyler Hobbs recently that said to try different values for every hardcoded number in your sketch to see what happens. This has been invaluable to my practice as it often yields the most surprising results. It also makes it really difficult to decide which is the best version! So, for today’s sketch I’ve got two variations, determined randomly each time the program runs along with the background colour from a chosen palette. The simple sketches so far this week have really helped hone some of my skills and practice some old ones. It’s so refreshing when I can recall how to do something from memory now, it’s almost as if this daily repetitive practice is teaching me something!
x1 = 0; y1 = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(700, 700); let bgs = ['#FFFFFF', '#D96064', '#FFCACA', '#78B4CE', '#56859D', '#39465C', '#2B0700', '#E6E6E6']; let bg = random(bgs); c = color(bg); background(bg); let ws = [3, 10] let w = random(ws); strokeWeight(w); } function draw() { x1 = x1 + 8; y1 = y1 + 8; rot = random(360); let shades = ['#FFFFFF', '#D96064', '#FFCACA', '#78B4CE', '#56859D', '#39465C', '#2B0700', '#E6E6E6']; let shade = random(shades); c = color(shade); stroke(c) for (x = 0; x < 180; x++) { push(); translate(width / 2, height / 2); rotate(radians(x) + rot); point(x1, y1); pop(); } if (x1 > 150) { noLoop(); } }