Day 58 - Snow Angels
Today’s sketch is a variation on the others from earlier this week. Thee only change here is that, rather than points, now we’re drawing with lines. Also, I switched this one to draw from the outside in rather than the inside out as the others do.
y = 200; function setup() { createCanvas(700, 700); let bgs = ['#E5D9CF', '#D9C0A5', '#AD2B33', '#EEEDE9']; let bg = random(bgs); c = color(bg); background(c); strokeWeight(1); strokeCap(SQUARE) } function draw() { y = y - 10; rot = random(360); let shades = ['#E5D9CF', '#D9C0A5', '#AD2B33', '#EEEDE9']; let shade = random(shades); c = color(shade); stroke(c); for (x = 0; x < 90; x++) { push(); translate(width / 2, height / 2); rotate(radians(x) + rot); line(y, y, 0, 0); pop(); } if (y < 0) { noLoop(); } }