Day 69 - Root Vegetables
It’s nice when skills I’ve learned are able to overlap - today’s one of those days. I was able to take the blobby trigonometry shapes I’ve been creating and loop the code to make multiples. It seems obvious now, but I hadn’t thought to do it before. I must be learning something! Truthfully, I preferred these cones when they were just black on a neutral background, but I thought a bit of colour might be nice, especially with how the stripes come out.
xoff = 0; i = 0; y1 = 200; x1= -300; r=0; function setup() { createCanvas(800, 800); background('#EEEDE9'); noFill(); r=random(50,100); strokeWeight(1.5); } function draw() { translate(width / 2, height / 2); if (x1<300) { let shades = ['#690600','#962100', '#D65700', '#CE9E4B','#A79564', '#868566', '#766F5F', '#5B7A84' ]; let shade = random(shades); c = color(shade); stroke(c); xoff = xoff + 0.01; n = noise(xoff) * 2; var radius = r; var angle = TAU / r; var x = cos(angle * i) * radius; i = i + 0.1; ellipse(x1, y1, x,x/3); stroke(0,50); ellipse(x1-1,y1+1, x,x/3) y1 = y1 - 2; if (i >(r/4)) { r=random(50,100); x1=x1+(r*n); y1=random(180,220); i=n; } } }