Day 97 - Hand Building
March 12, 2020 was my last normal day. I went to the office like usual, had meetings, chatted face to face with colleagues, made plans for the following week with friends. After work, I had my last pottery class for the winter session. It was my second hand building course and I had signed up for the spring session, meant to begin a few weeks later. I went to the old art school to pick up my remaining fired pieces and do some glazing. On my way home I figured I should stop at the grocery store to pickup a few things blissfully unaware I was walking into chaos. Shelves were empty, lineups went around the store, people were covering their faces as best they could. I panicked. I grabbed what I could carry, stood in line for an hour, and went home to the news that the office would be closed indefinitely. We were officially in lockdown. I wasn’t all that good at pottery (see a few examples below), but I really enjoyed making something with my hands, chatting with folks around the table, seeing what came from our successes and what emerged from our mistakes. I hope to get back to it some day but, until then, I have these (largely structurally unsound) digital sculptures to help dream up some ideas to bring to life with clay.
xoff = 0; i = 3; y1 = 550; x1 = 350; function setup() { createCanvas(700, 700); background(238, 237, 233); noFill(); strokeWeight(20); r = random(0, 200); g = random(0, 200); b = random(0, 200); s = random(300, 500); h = random(150, 300) } function draw() { xoff = xoff + 0.004; n = noise(xoff) * 2; if (y1 > 540) { stroke(245, 203, 174); } else if (y1 < 540 && y1 > s) { stroke(238 + (18 * n), 228 + (18 * n), 222 + (18 * n)); } else if (y1 < s) { stroke(r * n, g * n, b * n); } rad = random(50, 500); var angle = TAU / rad; var x = 10 * (sin(angle * i) * rad); i = i + 0.01; if (x * n < 100) { loop(); } else { ellipse(350, y1, x * n, x * n / 3); y1 = y1 - 1; } if (y1 < h) { noLoop(); } }